The End of the Road for #JOUR1550From the author of such brilliant pieces as instructional booklet "How to Live-Tweet a Thanksgiving Dinner", self-help book "You and JOUR1550: Finding Your Inner Journalist." and the muder mystery novel "Merbert Fowe and the Case of the Missing Widows" comes the poem "Merry Christmas to #JOUR1550." Enjoy... 'Twas the week before finals at Marquette University When #JOUR1550 said goodbye for eternity Christmas was coming and winter break too but all they could think about was no more NewsU With the days counting down they had so much to do From blog posts to slideshows they were going cookoo So many memories they reflected on here of the lessons and people they had come to hold dear From the Beliebers and the buttheads to the best goshdang partner our class contained people of the utmost caliber There were two Sarahs in class; how to distinguish? While one obsessed over cats, the other said "Erb Lowe" There were two Bens as well, much easier to differ I am better than him; admit it, B. Stanley did so I could say things about everyone and their memorable quirks But it would take too much time to describe you lovable dorks Berford Gammon, John Pray had both been guest speakers showing cropping and audio to information-seekers Mira Lowe stopped by one day and gave us all great branding tips. And from this great fountain of knowledge, Our class members took many sips If only class was let out sooner For before it is the sunshine dips The two hour class can make us silly At Mr.Lowe we aim our quips Sharon with one R gave us great opportunities I just hope on those projects I got better than C's Out in the community we went to find and report the untold news of Milwaukee our troubles provided a learning experience and Inspirational stories and cute kids we did see Carol was a godsend with long hours at Wakerly and in case you didn't yet do not forget to thanketh she The Wakerly was a magical place As somewhat of a sanctuary Although that one time Mr.Lowe showed up He scared the living crap out of me We live-tweeted history at Marquette University and got that shit trending in the city of Milwaukee Two storifies we made this year to tell the tales of our class tweeting I can't believe it's just 3.5 months Since our very first class meeting Had I known how hard this class would be I'd of made a documentary From day one to day one hundred and ten how old I look now, how young I looked then We learned how to interview from Aim for the Heart Gosh darn that Al Tompkins he's really quite smart Delishi and Linkedins they'd been forced to sign up for Weebly and Twitter and one or two more I drafted this on Weebly and great lines I had here but since Weebly closed unexpectedly they're lost forever, I fear Eric said something to me to add to the poem here but so small his decibal I could not quite hear I could use Audacity, try and amplify the audio but I'd rather use my earphones to listen to Pitbull and Ne-Yo What an honor it'd of been to be class FB page photo but alas, it did not happen I really would have loved it so But #HerbLowe wouldn't hear of it I think it's cause I'm a Bears fan He loved his Philly sports But Chicago rules, c'mon man! And I have no doubt in my mind He has twenty tabs open now Checking Facebook and Twitter and possibly the index dow If you've read this in entirety You must be delaying. Final exams week sucks, it goes without saying I've got studying to do, and no more time to waste so sadly but surely, I must end the peom here :( To the finest journalism class in all of the land A hearty Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :) (Awww, I think Mr.Lowe needs a tissue....) |
Goodbye/Merry Christmas in Pictures |