Since September of last year, I have been required to write weekly blog posts for journalism classes at Marquette. But that word "required" can cause problems sometimes. Am I always putting the time and effort into my blog posts that I would be if I was writing them on my own accord? When I write them, do I make sure to write for a general audience and not simply my professor and classmates?

In our journalism elections seminar course on Tuesday our teacher, Herbert Lowe, spent the last half hour of class sharing tips for how to ensure that we are motivated to write our blog posts not as an assignment, but as a way to prepare ourselves for our careers.

I will admit that there have been times where I did not want to spend time writing my blog and wrote it hastily just to get it out of the way. But after our class on Tuesday, I felt motivated to dedicate myself to writing a quality blog post every week that not shared valuable information with the blog's readers but helped me learn as I researched for the blog.

Judging by the blogs by my classmates, I am not alone. Mr. Lowe's pep talk of sorts seems to have served its purpose, as the whole class seems to be more motivated now to write their blogs. Hopefully this increased passion will stick with us and not merely fade away in a couple of days. Hopefully, my readers will notice my post providing better writing and more well-researched information too.

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