Ten GOP primaries and caucuses were held on Tuesday, known as Super Tuesday for how many delegates are at stake, and Mitt Romney took home six state victories and and 212 of the 419 delegates.

The Denver Post did cover Super Tuesday, but with minimal, unoriginial, and sometimes hidden coverage. Prior to Super Tuesday, the Post had an AP article on its website that tied in social issues and the Rush Limbaugh controversy into the night's primaries.

As the Super Tuesday action picked up at night, the Post moved its constantly updating AP article and an accompanying carousal picture to the homepage. However, later in the night and the next day, readers had to work to find this article and the Post's standard photo photo slideshow, this time featuring 53 photos from Super Tuesday.
Despite the quality of the slideshow, it was never featured on the homepage or even the homepage of the Post's Media Center, where viewers access the photo slideshows.

When I have to click three seperate links and deal with three pop-up advertisements to read one AP article on Super Tuesday, I will not be impressed by that paper's coverage. I can only hope that the print version of the Denver Post has more prominent coverage of the GOP primaries. If not, the Post is doing a disservice to its readers.

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