In our digital journalism course last week, we discussed the elements of photography and how photography is used in media. So how does employ photojournalism to help tell today's top stories?
The Wall Street protests are a subject that lends itself to many good photographs, such as the photo above, but the article covering the protests on used had just that one picture, with no links to other pictures or articles that more heavily featured photographs. This as a missed opportunity for For something like protests, photographs and videos are a great way to help tell the story, especially in a timeline format.
Monday, the big story was Amanda Knox winning her appeal on murder charges. The article featured just one photograph at thet top of the page, which is standard for their articles. However, the live blog covering the appeal featured multiple photographs showing scenes inside and outside the courtroom. Although some of the photgraphs were not very clear, it still aided in telling the story and showing what was going on.
For's coverage of the 10th anniversary of September 11, it featured many stirring photos. But that was not unique to CNN, as most news organizations used photography, showing mourners on the day of the anniversary, phots of the memorial and news buildings, or taking us back ten years to the actual day. photography was a prominent use for story-telling that day, including on
But other than that, CNN relies more on video than photgraphy, which makes sense considering has videos from the CNN television network at the ready than can be used in its coverage. However, with ABC News and Yahoo! recently teaming up deliver online-first content, it is more important for CNN to use unique coverage on its website and rely less on CNN news videos.
The Wall Street protests are a subject that lends itself to many good photographs, such as the photo above, but the article covering the protests on used had just that one picture, with no links to other pictures or articles that more heavily featured photographs. This as a missed opportunity for For something like protests, photographs and videos are a great way to help tell the story, especially in a timeline format.
Monday, the big story was Amanda Knox winning her appeal on murder charges. The article featured just one photograph at thet top of the page, which is standard for their articles. However, the live blog covering the appeal featured multiple photographs showing scenes inside and outside the courtroom. Although some of the photgraphs were not very clear, it still aided in telling the story and showing what was going on.
For's coverage of the 10th anniversary of September 11, it featured many stirring photos. But that was not unique to CNN, as most news organizations used photography, showing mourners on the day of the anniversary, phots of the memorial and news buildings, or taking us back ten years to the actual day. photography was a prominent use for story-telling that day, including on
But other than that, CNN relies more on video than photgraphy, which makes sense considering has videos from the CNN television network at the ready than can be used in its coverage. However, with ABC News and Yahoo! recently teaming up deliver online-first content, it is more important for CNN to use unique coverage on its website and rely less on CNN news videos.